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Machine Learning Projects

Hero in U

As part of a machine learning course we learnt how supervised learning can enable people to train their own models to act upon custom inputs and assign output behaviors to them.

In this particular project we implemented these learnings to a concept very close to our hearts, which is bringing to life some of our favorite anime and comic characters. We explored what it would be like to be able to embody different characters and through them, perform different actions. The purpose was to explore what effect this experience had on individuals and on our perception of ourselves.

We realized that just by taking their projected form, people were overtaken by a sense of joy and empowerment that didn’t die off as the experience continued.

We envision this concept existing for people that battle with low self esteem or lack of confidence or morale by helping them improve their self perception. We also envision it just as a means of entertainment with possible future interactions involving multiple individuals simultaneously.

Hero in U

  • Date

    May 14, 2018

  • Team:

    Axel Jorgensen, Raunaq Patel

  • Instructors:

    Andreas Refsgaard, Gene Kogan

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